Day 29

Hey guys!

Only a one more post after this one! I’m kind of sad it’s over because I really enjoyed posting all of these different topics.

Today’s Topic: List 30 goals for the next 30 days

Oh boy I don’t think I can do that many! I guess I’ll start listing off some and see how many I can rack up!

  1. Go to the gym at least three times a week– Pretty simple one, my boyfriend goes almost everyday and maybe one day i’ll get there, but for now just three.
  2. Plan out each workout for each day– I always never know what to do when I get to the gym so I’m hoping this will help. And motivate me to go more.
  3. Put aside $150 each paycheck if applicable– I say if applicable because life happens and it may be needed for other things but right now I’m trying to get a decent amount of money in my savings to fall back on or for a rainy day.
  4. Figure out what day(s) to post to blog– after this month I’m planning on just posting a few times a week and so I want to sit down and figure/plan it all out.
  5. Invest time into learning more about WordPress– I’m still new with all of this, I really only know the basics so I want to dive deeper into WordPress.
  6. Work on making a better blog/web page– This tags along with the previous goal, but I want to make my blog look better so I’m hoping I can make that happen.
  7. Work on making outfits with my wardrobe– Lately I’ve just been wearing the same outfits to work and even when I’m running errands I just throw a pair of jeans and a tee on. I’ve noticed how much of my closet I barely wear so I want to start wearing things I don’t usually wear or make a different outfit with them.
  8. Try to sit up straight more- An obvious one, but my back has been hurting a lot more lately and I think part of it is my posture. I’m hoping this will help.
  9. Start doing some meditation a few times a week– I’ve been pretty anxious lately, also stressed with work so I’m thinking that if I do this it will help. I have an app on my phone called Stop,Breathe & Think that has a lot of different mediations you can do based on you mood. Some are as short as 7-8 minutes. It’s also free!
  10. Create a dream planner week for motivation for the future– A friend of mine suggested this to me when I ranted to them about how lost I feel about the future. You have a planner week with different times of the day, I found this one on Pinterest and printed it out, . There is a bunch of different ones in different colors but I need to fill mine out. All you do is just list off things that you want in your dream life like practice yoga every morning or whatever you want. And you hang it up somewhere and look at it and from then you can figure out how to achieve those goals. If you guys like I can post it on here when I’m done.
  11. Be more social– I have been such a hermit crab and basically just go to work and come home. My goal is to start calling people up (or texting haha) and making plans to hang out. Go out for ladies night or go bowling.
  12. Read more– I just finished my book I’ve been reading forever it seems and my boyfriend recommended me to read The Hobbit. The last book I read was over 600 pages long and this one is about 300 so I’m hoping I can get through it within the next month.
  13. Try to exfoliate twice a week– I have been breaking out a lot lately and so I’m trying to get back into a skincare routine. I found a charcoal face mask here that I’m trying out now.
  14. Make sure to take off makeup and cleanse face everyday– This one goes with the previous one but I’ve been so tired that I go to bed with my makeup still on and that’s probably why I’ve been breaking out as well.
  15. Stay Positive– Also a pretty obvious one, but I’ve been pretty pessimistic about a lot of things so I’m trying to get better at it.

I know I’m supposed to go to 30, but these 15 goals are kind of a lot so i’m hoping I can achieve these ones first before adding another 15 goals. I’ll try my best to give updates on how I’m doing with all of these in future posts!

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