Day 26

Hey guys!

Only four more days left!

Personal shoutout to my parents today because it’s their 30th anniversary! I hope one day I can be with someone that long!

Today’s Topic: Describe the type of person you are attracted to

I feel like i’m just gonna describe my boyfriend honestly haha so instead I’m gonna describe the type of people I would like to come into my life instead.

I’ve always had trouble keeping friends ever since I was a kid. It always started out good, then something would happen and they either stopped talking to me or just said they didn’t want to be my friend anymore. I can’t even count the number of times I’ve been upset and asking my mom what was wrong with me that no one wanted to be my friend.

It’s sad that I still have this problem today, in my 20s. So the type of person/friend that attracts me sort of say, is someone that I can trust. I know that sounds obvious but over the years I’ve trusted less and less people. Someone that understands I can get busy with life that i’ll forget plans, and to text them back because that’s who I am. Someone that I can sit and talk with for hours about any and everything and they won’t get uninterested. Someone that won’t talk behind my back or get mad if I just wanna spend the night sitting on the couch with my boyfriend. Someone that I can have fun with, go out to ladies night with, go see girly movies with that my boyfriend refuses to see. Someone that supports my goals and dreams and will try to help me reach them. These are all pretty obvious but I’ve attracted so many toxic people in my life that I never really had a friend like this. Of course my boyfriend does majority of this stuff already, but it would be nice to have a few close friends to hang out with now and then.

I just hope to attract more positive and supportive people into life. I’ve had to learn the hard way that some people can come into your life, but it’s not a guarantee they are gonna stay. Always be thankful for the people in your life, cause they can be gone before you know it!


Day 16 & 17

Hey guys!

Sorry I forgot to post yesterday, work was a bit crazy. So I’m going to post both days together.

Day 16 Topic: List five singers that you think your readers should listen to

This is tricky because I feel like I listen to more bands than artists so I’m just going to list some that I listen to and/or bands that my boyfriend plays in the car for me.

  1. Ed Sheeran – I actually discovered him on my own when he was famous for his song The A Team. I was watching YouTube videos at the time and it was one of the suggestions so I clicked on it and got obsessed. I actually got my brother into listening to him as well.
  2. The Cars – I know they are an older band, I heard them in the car all the time growing up from my mom. I only have a few songs on my playlist from them but I’ll probably add some more
  3. The Killers – I have listened to them since I was a kid, so their Hot Fuzz album mainly. My brother showed them to me and they have some really good songs if you check it out.
  4. Grizzly Bear – my boyfriend showed me this band when we first started dating, and it to the point when he asks what to play in the car I usually say them. One of their new songs Morning Sound plays at my work all the time.
  5. P!nk – I have always loved her songs since I was a kid, even now when I hear one of her new songs on the radio, I still stop and listen.

I listen to a bunch of other artists and bands but I really enjoys these ones a lot.

Day 17 Topic: Describe five good things and five bad things that has happened to you in the last year

Good things:

  1. Graduated College
  2. Met and started dating my boyfriend
  3. Moved In with my boyfriend
  4. Got my first full time job
  5. Started this blog

Bad things:

  1. Didn’t have a job right after I graduated (I just recently got my full time job)
  2. My best friend moved to Texas
  3. My roommate stopped speaking to me and blamed me for everything (we don’t even talk anymore since I moved out)
  4. My sorority sisters stopped speaking to me after I graduated (yeah I don’t really understand this one either)
  5. I was really depressed and thought that I failed at college because I still didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life

This last year has been rough, really rough honestly. I went through a lot of changes and the real life kind of hit me all at once and I really wasn’t prepared for any of it. But things are getting better and I hope they stay that way.


Day 10

Happy Sunday Fun-day!

Day 10 out of 30! About a third of the way there!

Today’s topic : Describe the first time you fell in love

It was about three years ago when I met this guy. We connected through social media and he messaged me first. At the time I was surprised because I usually had to message guys first. We were talking for a while and he asked me if I wanted to get coffee sometime (I awkwardly had to tell him I didn’t like coffee and I thought he was just gonna think I was weird and stop talking to me).

We eventually figured out a day where we both had a day off work, and decided to meet up. He wanted me to meet him at his place which was about half an hour away from my house at the time. My best friend told me it seemed sketchy and made sure I texted her when I got there and when I left. I drove up to his house and he was outside playing his guitar and had such a relaxed vibe to him. We ended up going hiking by a lake nearby where we talked for a while.

At the time, I had never met someone that was so cool. He was from Florida and moved up here with his family. He had all these crazy stories about how he went scuba diving with his friends and how they found an underground cave.  He played guitar (at the time I was really into that), he surfed, and he loved the outdoors. After just a few weeks of seeing each other I was so into him. We hung out whenever we could. You could say it was a summer love, except I fell for him. I was so amused by everything he did. He talked about taking me to Florida with him one day to meet his friends and I was so excited.

At the end of the summer, I had to go back to Kent for my second year. He promised he would come visit me on the weekends when he could, and I believed him.

The first week of classes went by and he was hardly talking to me. He blamed it on working too much and I stupidly believed it. I kept telling myself he will message me, but never did.

One day, he said he was gonna come up to Kent for labor day weekend and I couldn’t wait. It felt like that week was the longest week ever! He ended up cancelling, saying that his family was in town and couldn’t leave.

About a week later he dumped me through text message saying that he started talking to his ex and that she wanted to get back together. He did as well. I was absolutely heartbroken.

Thinking back now, I should have seen it coming, but I was so into him and he had such a way with words. He would always know exactly what to say at the right time.

It was a hard thing to get through (mainly because when he dumped me I started bawling in front of my roommate at the time and I barely knew her so it was just awkward), but I got over him, and became more cautious when it came to dating after that. Now I’m with an amazing guy who makes me happy so I guess i’m winning at something. 🙂


Day 9

Happy Saturday!!

Day 9 out of 30!

Thank you so much for visiting me today!

Today’s Topic : List five things you’d love to experience in the future

  1. I would absolutely love to travel. It’s something i’ve always wanted to do since I was a kid. My top places so far are: Ireland, UK, Paris, Rome/Florence, and Australia. These are just a few places I want to visit but almost anywhere else in the world would be amazing! First I’d have to get a passport and save up for a trip, but maybe one day.
  2. This one kind of ties in with the first one but I hope one day I can use this blog to travel and maybe even go to fashion shows around the world blogging about the latest trends (I know i’ve mentioned this before). I’m still learning the basics of blogging and i’ve only done this for about a week or so, but I hope to stick with it and be able to build from this blog. That being said, if anyone knows or has tips/tricks about blogging please help a gal out!
  3. I want to move out of Ohio. Probably a predictable one but I’ve lived in Ohio my whole life and I want to see what else is out there. My boyfriend and I both agree on  this and talk about it from time to time. We both want to get out of Ohio one day and maybe move west like California, Colorado area. It’s still up in the air but I think it would be a fun adventure to start over somewhere new where no ones you.
  4. Part of me wants to say that maybe one day i’ll get married, but honestly the older I get the more I question if I really do want to. When I was little I told my mom I was gonna get married and have a huge wedding with a big fancy wedding dress but honestly the older I got, the more I realized how expensive it would all be and wondered if I really wanted to spend all that money for one day. Why can’t I just stay with someone I love for the rest of my life? Maybe I’ll change my mind in a few years but right now, I don’t want to get married.
  5. Another part of me wants to say have kids but getting pregnant right now scares me. I’m not financially stable to have kids and I just don’t think i’m ready. I would like to get a puppy in the future. Maybe when we get a bigger apartment but I love dogs and cats so much I would much rather have that than kids. Just my personal opinion, again maybe in 5 years or later down the road I will, but right now I want a puppy.


30 Days of Blogging – Day 1

Hey guys!

Thanks so much for stopping by!

So I decided to do a 30 day blogging challenge. Since it’s September now, I’m going to post a new post everyday this month!

Each day will be a completely different topic so let’s begin!

Today is : Explain your current relationship

I love this one!

So some of you may know i’ve been with my amazing boyfriend for a little bit over a year now and I couldn’t be happier.

We met when i was still in college at Kent State, he was in a fraternity (Phi Sigma Kappa) and I was in my sorority (Tri Sigma) and at the time our fraternity and sorority was paired up for this philanthropy event for a place called “King Kennedy Center” which is a place where kids can go after school rather than getting into trouble on the streets. That year we had to do a skit with dances and a few songs, sadly he wasn’t my dancing partner but I did have a crush on him during the whole time and I was too shy to go talk to him.

Fast forward about 6 months or so, we end up connecting through social media and start talking and soon plan to hang out. We ended up seeing “The Conjuring 2” when it was in theaters at the time and got some drinks at a bar in downtown Kent. Ever since then we have been together.

It’s still crazy to me that we have to been dating for over a year already but it without a doubt has been the best year of my life. 🙂

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s post!!